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Ervelia Akademia


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Czego dotyczy problem: Gra po zainjectowaniu przestaje odpowiadac.
Opis problemu: Po zainjectowaniu (oba sposoby daja ten sam skutek) gra przestaje odpowiadac po doslownie 2 sekundach. Antywirus jest kompletnie wylaczony.
Kiedy i gdzie wystąpił problem: Około 4 dni temu, od tego czasu probuje znalezc rozwiazanie.



Dodatkowe materiały(Film/zdjęcie): 
Logi(*data\logs\najnowszy): 11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] M-1
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] M-2
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] WI-0
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] WI-1
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] WI-2
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] WI-3
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] WI-4
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] WI-5
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] M-3
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] HI-0
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] HI-1
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] HI-2
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] HI-3
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] HI-4
11-25 10:32:00:583:: [Information] M-4
11-25 10:32:00:584:: [Information] DI-0
11-25 10:32:00:584:: [Information] DI-1
11-25 10:32:00:584:: [Information] M-5
11-25 10:32:00:584:: [Information] PI-0
11-25 10:32:00:584:: [Information] PI-1
11-25 10:32:00:584:: [Information] PI-2
11-25 10:32:00:584:: [Information] PI-3
11-25 10:32:00:584:: [Information] PI-4
11-25 10:32:00:584:: [Information] PI-5
11-25 10:32:00:584:: [Information] PI-6
11-25 10:32:00:585:: [Information] PI-7
11-25 10:32:00:585:: [Information] PI-8
11-25 10:32:00:585:: [Information] PI-9
11-25 10:32:00:585:: [Information] PI-10
11-25 10:32:00:585:: [Information] PI-11
11-25 10:32:00:585:: [Information] M-6
11-25 10:32:00:586:: [Information] Connecting: 1 ...
11-25 10:32:00:612:: [Information] Successfully connected
11-25 10:32:00:612:: [Information] SA1
11-25 10:32:00:612:: [Information] SA1-1
11-25 10:32:00:612:: [Information] SA1-2
11-25 10:32:00:615:: [Information] SA1-3
11-25 10:32:00:619:: [Information] SA1-4

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