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I try some HL-Bots settings, and I think the Pickup is detected. (Normal/Go to Item)


Yesterday i create new Account and use only Farmbot with pickup script - no ban !! (19.12.22 - 17:42)


I use HL-Farmbot and Mod. Reksati´s Pickup for farming - not the best because sometimes u stack on metin or walls but its finally working ! 




Edited by Reiku44
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16 hours ago, Reiku44 said:

I try some HL-Bots settings, and I think the Pickup is detected. (Normal/Go to Item)


Yesterday i create new Account and use only Farmbot with pickup script - no ban !! (19.12.22 - 17:42)


I use HL-Farmbot and Mod. Reksati´s Pickup for farming - not the best because sometimes u stack on metin or walls but its finally working ! 




can you share that script ? ty!

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The bot does work, but it's pointless to use it .. personally I've only used farmbot and pickup and I always got banned (already 2 times).. I didn't use anything that interfered with the game, I don't understand how this is possible what exactly is detected .. 

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