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HL Bot nie odpala się


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Czego dotyczy problem: HL Bot
Opis problemu: po zainjectowaniu do klienta się zawiesza
Kiedy i gdzie wystąpił problem:  Po odpaleniu klienta i z panelu HL, oraz po wybraniu folderu 
Dodatkowe materiały(Film/zdjęcie): Screenshot 2023-01-10 21-55-50.jpg
Logi(*data\logs\najnowszy):01-29 23:52:59:204:: [Information] M-1
01-29 23:52:59:204:: [Information] M-2
01-29 23:52:59:204:: [Information] WI-0
01-29 23:52:59:204:: [Information] WI-1
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] WI-2
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] WI-3
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] WI-4
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] WI-5
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] M-3
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] HI-0
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] HI-1
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] HI-2
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] HI-3
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] HI-4
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] M-4
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] DI-0
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] DI-1
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] M-5
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] PI-0
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] PI-1
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] PI-2
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] PI-3
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] PI-4
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] PI-5
01-29 23:52:59:205:: [Information] PI-6
01-29 23:52:59:207:: [Information] PI-7
01-29 23:52:59:207:: [Information] PI-8
01-29 23:52:59:207:: [Information] PI-9
01-29 23:52:59:208:: [Information] PI-10
01-29 23:52:59:208:: [Information] PI-11
01-29 23:52:59:208:: [Information] M-6
01-29 23:52:59:210:: [Information] Connecting: 1 ...
01-29 23:53:22:299:: [Information] Connecting: 2 ...
01-29 23:53:47:387:: [Information] Connecting: 3 ...
01-29 23:54:08:443:: [Information] Failed to connect

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