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Error: 0xC000010A


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Witam wszystkich dżentelmentów, 

Mam problem z HLbotem, mianowicie podczas injectowania bota client się wyłącza z errorem 0xC000010A - co kolwiek to znaczy. 

Wszystko działało jak ulał, jednego dnia włączyłem kompa i pojawił się właśnie ten problem. Logi mam ale ich nie rozumiem dlatego załączam załącznik:

08-02 19:58:58:249:: [Information] Debug file created. Path: D:\HLBot\data Executable Path: C:\(S2) EliteMT2 - Version 1.0.0
08-02 19:58:58:249:: [Information] M-1
08-02 19:58:58:249:: [Information] M-2
08-02 19:58:58:249:: [Information] WI-0
08-02 19:58:58:249:: [Information] WI-1
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] WI-2
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] WI-3
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] WI-4
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] WI-5
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] M-3
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] HI-0
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] HI-0.1
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] HI-0.2
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] HI-0.3
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] HI-1
08-02 19:58:58:250:: [Information] HI-2
08-02 19:58:58:251:: [Information] HI-3
08-02 19:58:58:251:: [Information] HI-4
08-02 19:58:58:251:: [Information] M-4
08-02 19:58:58:251:: [Information] DI-0
08-02 19:58:58:251:: [Information] DI-1
08-02 19:58:58:251:: [Information] M-5
08-02 19:58:58:251:: [Information] PI-0
08-02 19:58:58:251:: [Information] PI-1
08-02 19:58:58:251:: [Information] PI-2
08-02 19:58:58:252:: [Information] PI-3
08-02 19:58:58:252:: [Information] PI-4
08-02 19:58:58:252:: [Information] PI-5
08-02 19:58:58:252:: [Information] PI-6
08-02 19:58:58:253:: [Information] PI-7
08-02 19:58:58:253:: [Information] PI-8
08-02 19:58:58:253:: [Information] PI-9
08-02 19:58:58:254:: [Information] PI-10
08-02 19:58:58:254:: [Information] PI-11
08-02 19:58:58:254:: [Information] M-6
08-02 19:58:58:256:: [Information] Connecting: 1 ...
08-02 19:58:58:317:: [Information] Successfully connected
08-02 19:58:58:317:: [Information] SA1
08-02 19:58:58:317:: [Information] SA1-1
08-02 19:58:58:317:: [Information] SA1-2
08-02 19:58:58:319:: [Information] SA1-3
08-02 19:58:58:324:: [Information] SA1-4
08-02 19:58:58:418:: [Information] RA1
08-02 19:58:58:448:: [Information] SA2
08-02 19:58:58:527:: [Information] RA2
08-02 19:58:58:527:: [Information] Closing bcs of: 102

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Chuja działa, panowie proszę o pomoc! 


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